Thursday, April 30, 2020

Hi families,

Happy Thursday!

Today the kids can work on:

High Frequency word worksheet
Math pages 242-243
Add more details to their writing piece

On Thursdays, we have Library so click here for the latest from Ms. Russell!

Keep on the hunt for all things magnetic!

In today's video, I introduce new read the room words that the kids will need for their high frequency word worksheet.  I walk the kids step by step with the math pages as I feel woefully unprepared with my at home supply of 3D shapes.  I end the video with a silly read aloud  Here is the video!

Keep working hard on EPIC! Reading and ST Math as I am monitoring progress.  Also, for students receiving Title 1 support from Mrs. McCrave, don't forget to log onto Lalilo for 20 minutes a day.  She is keeping track of your progress and loves to see your work!

Any questions, let me know!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hi families,

Happy Wednesday!

Today the kids can work on:

Cut and sort
Math pages 240-241
Edit their writing piece

On Wednesdays, we have PE and Music so click here for the latest from Mrs. Claflin and Mrs. Duvall!

In today's video, I chat about editing writing.  I quickly discuss this week's cut and sort.  I do my best to model different 3D shapes without having my 3D manipulatives and I walk the kids through their math pages as it is tricky to do without some teacher lead discussion.  Here is the video!

I will host an adult only meeting at 2:30 so feel free to stop in to ask questions, provide input, or vent.  This invite went out with this morning's email to families!

Keep working hard on EPIC! Reading and ST Math as I am monitoring progress.  Also, for students receiving Title 1 support from Mrs. McCrave, don't forget to log onto Lalilo for 20 minutes a day.  She is keeping track of your progress and loves to see your work!

Any questions, let me know!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Hi families,

Happy Tuesday!

Today the kids can work on:

Sentence with picture using yesterday's -ed words
Math pages 238-239
rite a narrative story (I don't mind doing this with them when I see them individually)

On Tuesdays, we have PE and if you go here ( you can check out some activities that she has in mind using a locomotor movement spinner.

In today's video, I check in about how the magnet search is coming.  I come up with a silly sentence using three -ed words.  We count backwards by ten and multiples of ten in math.  Here is the video!

I will host first graders and staff at 2:30 for a zoom meeting!

Keep working hard on EPIC! Reading and ST Math as I am monitoring progress.  Also, for students receiving Title 1 support from Mrs. McCrave, don't forget to log onto Lalilo for 20 minutes a day.  She is keeping track of your progress and loves to see your work!

Any questions, let me know!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Hi families,

Happy Monday!

Today the kids can work on:

-ed handwriting
Math pages 236-237
Plan a new writing piece (I don't mind doing this with them when I see them individually)

In today's video, I introduce a challenge that is designed to get kids outside.  They will need a magnet and a scorecard.  They can then find things around them that are magnetic.  They get one point if the item is inside and two points if the item is outside.  We will share how we do this Friday, May 1st at 9:30AM at the all class zoom meeting.  In case you were wondering, it did seem odd to me that May is almost here! So get outside and find things that are magnetic! Here is today's video!

Keep working hard on EPIC! Reading and ST Math as I am monitoring progress.  Also, for students receiving Title 1 support from Mrs. McCrave, don't forget to log onto Lalilo for 20 minutes a day.  She is keeping track of your progress and loves to see your work!

Any questions, let me know!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Hi families,

Today is technically a Spring Break Day, but I am putting things out there for families that want to keep their child busy.  I am someone that prefers to be busy so I appreciate the distraction.  Consider everything for today optional!

Today the kids can work on:

Two half pictures using yesterday's high frequency words
Math pages 234-235
Get your writing piece to a place where you feel good showing Mr. Stevenson!
In today's video, I chat about how counting backwards using subtraction facts that we are comfortable with.  At the end of the video, I talk about an idea that I plan to introduce on Monday to get kids outside.  Here is today's video!

Keep working hard on EPIC! Reading and ST Math as I am monitoring progress.  Also, for students receiving Title 1 support from Mrs. McCrave, don't forget to log onto Lalilo for 20 minutes a day.  She is keeping track of your progress and loves to see your work!

I will host some first graders today at 9:30 if they want to come to this optional hangout!  We will be chatting about Mystery Doug and what he is doing with the things he recycles!

Happy weekend!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hi families,

Happy Thursday!

Today the kids can work on:

High frequency word worksheet
Math pages 232-233
Add more details to their writing piece

In today's video, I chat about the use of speech bubbles in narrative writing.  I am noticing that a number of kids are using labels and captions from informational writing.  There is also a read aloud from another Cori Doerrfeld that highlight some speech bubble uses.  Here is today's video!

I have an action packed day with lots of meetings so if you have any questions email and I will get to them shortly!  It looks like it will be warmer and sunnier so take advantage!

Keep working hard on EPIC! Reading and ST Math as I am monitoring progress.  Also, for students receiving Title 1 support from Mrs. McCrave, don't forget to log onto Lalilo for 20 minutes a day.  She is keeping track of your progress and loves to see your work!

Any questions, let me know!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hi families,

Today the kids can work on:

ll, ss, ff cut and sort
Math pages 230-231
Edit their writing piece

In today's video, I chat about what pictures can look like in a narrative piece as well as share some ideas of what to be on the lookout for when a first grader edits their writing.  In math, we once again use money to help guide our thinking so you may want to gather some dimes and pennies before you begin.  Here is today's video!

At 2:30 this afternoon, I will host an optional adult only time for families of first graders where you can share ideas, ask questions, or just vent.  You should have received information about this is the email I sent out this morning.

Keep working hard on Epic! Reading and ST Math as I am monitoring progress.  Also, for students receiving Title 1 support from Mrs. McCrave, don't forget to log onto Lalilo for 20 minutes a day.  She is keeping track of your progress and loves to see your work!

Any questions, let me know!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hi Families,

Happy birthday Noah!

Today the kids can work on:

Sentence with picture using yesterday's ll, ss, ff words
Math pages 228-229
Write a new narrative piece

In today's video, I chat about some verbal probes that your child might find useful when they are planning their writing.  We work on counting by tens on of decade numbers.  I end the video with a heart felt read aloud which I hope you enjoy.  Here is the video!

At 2:30 this afternoon, I will be hosting first graders and school staff for a social hangout.  I plan to ask some fun questions and get opinions from all.  I suggest you bring a fork and a spoon to help make this extra fun!  If you are a staff member and would like to join let me know!

I continue to enjoy meeting with the kids individually and I am enjoying letting them guide what they get from me.  Every child has different needs and I am feeling out each child to see if they need some academic pushing or just some time to chat with their teacher!

Have a great day!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Hi families,

Today is technically a Spring Break Day, but I am putting things out there for families that want to keep their child busy.  I am someone that prefers to be busy so I appreciate the distraction.  Consider everything for today optional!

Today the kids can work on:

ll, ss, ff handwriting
Math pages 226-227
Plan a new narrative piece

In today's video, I start off talking about some strategies and probing questions to get your child to think about how to plan a writing piece.  I hope that you find this approach helpful.  The last thing I want to do is show my model and then have kids copy me.  I also put writing first today so that kids aren't spent!  Here is the video

On Friday, I hosted 11 first graders, four staff members, and many siblings/parents for a group drawing session.  I think the kids enjoyed it.  We had a wide age range in participants which I hope to see continue on upcoming Fridays.  I will keep Fridays geared towards creating something.  Tomorrow afternoon, I will again host first graders and we will be doing something socially geared.

If your child has a Monday one on one time, I want you to consider it optional, but I will still be in front of the screen at their time if your child does want to check in!  I can probably figure out a way to reschedule if your family is taking the day off!

Happy Monday!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Hi families,

Today kids can work on: 

Two half pictures using yesterday’s high frequency words
Math pages 224-225
Share your narrative piece or get it ready to show Mr. Stevenson

In today's video, I make up some silly sentences using our high frequency words.  Towards the end of the video, I chat (more like ramble) about what I recognize about some of the struggles kids are having with their writing at home.  Here is the video!

At 9:30 today, I am hosting a first grade whole class meeting.  I welcome siblings/parents to join in.  You received an invitation to this meeting this morning.  If you are a staff member and would like an invitation let me know!
Monday the 20th and Friday the 24th are spring break days for the district so schools are in theory "closed".  The 21st-23rd as snow day make ups so school will be in "session" remotely.  I am not required to do anything school related, but given how things are I welcome the chance to be busy so I will still put out a video and host one on one zoom meetings.  I will leave it up to families with what your child needs.  So on those days, give your child what they need whether that is a day off or some school day structure.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Hi families,

Today kids can work on:

High frequency worksheet
Math pages 222-223
Add more details to your writing piece

In today's video, I use coins to help us in math so you may want to gather some dimes and pennies.  Be sure to listen about why first graders only use dimes and pennies in math.  By the end of the video, I start to ramble, but I was falling victim to my seasonal allergies kicking in!  Here is the link to today's video

I am continuing to enjoy meeting with kids on zoom.  I also enjoyed meeting with a few adults yesterday to chat about what is working and what can be better.  I plan to do the same on each upcoming Wednesday!

Have an awesome Thursday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hi families,

Today kids can work on: 

Cut and sort using er/ir/ur words
Math pages 220-221
Edit your narrative piece

In today's video, I use food to help me in math.  Here is the link to today's video!

Yesterday Mr. Lindemann and I spent some time with 12 first graders (plus some parents, grandparents, siblings, and pets) on zoom.

Going forward I plan to have the whole class time on Tuesdays be socially oriented and on Fridays be more project based.  

Later today, and on future Wednesdays, I plan to have optional times an adult only chat for the adults of first graders.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hi families,

You all received an email with an invitation for an all class zoom meeting at 2:30 today!  I hope you can make it.  I have enjoyed meeting with some of the first graders on zoom and I am looking forward to seeing more first graders! Here is the link for today's video!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Hi families,

I am excited for today!  I start one on one zoom meetings with kids.  I also tried out some new camera angles on the video.  Here is the video

Friday, April 10, 2020

Happy Friday!

I am hoping that you all survived another week!  In today's video, I will ask your child to get some sort of item to use as a counter.  I am very excited for Monday as I will be starting one on one zoom sessions with the kids.  If your child is schedule to meet with me on Mondays, I will send an invitation reminder in the morning before we meet!

Here is the link to today's video!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hi families,

Yesterday (Wednesday the 8th) you should have received an email from me with zoom invites for one on one meeting times for your child and I.  I am very much looking forward to chatting with your child.  I will be sending out group invites the morning of and on your child's 1:1 day I will send reminder login info emails.  I posted my schedule here for your access. 

Here is today's video!

Keep up the great work with your awesome children!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020

Good Morning,

I was excited to get more work for students to families.  In today's video, I discuss the items that you picked up and what the kids can work on today.  This is a long video and it is definitely taking a long time to upload.  Hopefully you will find it helpful.  Here is the link to the video

I am working on a schedule where I communicate with the kids individually and as a group.  I was waiting on some guidance and I now have the ok to start working on this.  I know that some of you have started this on your own.  What I am thinking is an individual time with me and one student once a week and one to two times where we meet as a class using a password protected zoom meeting.  I would only be passing out zoom passwords through email so that it stays secure.  I am also considering doing this on the phone if that works better for you and your child.  I am only able to do this if parents have completed the online permission form that the school sent out at the end of last week.  If you need more information, please let me know!  I have been heavily researching the best ways to do this for first graders.  I know that some of your older children are using a variety of platforms, but I have told the kids all year first grade does things differently!  This is because this is such an essential age and has unique needs.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Hi families,

I know that shortly a number of you will be picking up work from school soon.  I just want to make clear that you shouldn't plan on lingering.  I have received a lot of input about how to do this will everyone's well being in mind.  I will have gloves and disinfectant on me!  Here is a link to today's video

Just a note that I plan to describe the paperwork you are piking up in Monday's video. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hi Families,

I have been busy figuring out next steps.  I will be making copies for each of your children so that you can pickup tomorrow from 9-10.  I was grateful to hear from so many of you!  You do not have to bring in any work that your child has completed.  Please stay in your cars when you get there.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Today's video can be found here

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hi families, 

Link to today's video is here

This Friday, April 3rd I plan to host a schoolwork pickup from 9-10 for first grade only.  If you can’t make it during those hours let me know and I can either leave it at school for you to pickup outside or I can deliver it to your driveway. 

What will be available to pick up:
A daily task completion sheet which goes through the middle of June
Math workbooks
A set of copies for daily practice of word work and high frequency words
Narrative writing graphic organizers
Narrative writing papers
Writing editing checklist
Shoes that your child left in the classroom

Please do:
Check out the attached pictures to see if you recognize these shoes.
Let me know through email if on Friday you plan to come to SME from 9-10, would like me to leave things outside the main entrance, or would like me to drop off at your driveway.
I plan to call all first graders on Thursday so please let me know what number is best to reach them at.

Please note:
This is a situation that is continuously evolving and my plans may be forced to change.  There could be forthcoming guidelines from the state or national level which may force me to rethink instructional materials, communicating with students, or how to assess learning.  If that occurs you will hear from me, but in the meantime I wanted to make sure that I provided students with something provides some sort of normalcy for them.  I am also going to start utilizing for students to share their completed work with myself and other students.   On the daily task completion sheet, you will notice that some items are bold.  I am asking that on Friday’s for students to share what they have been working on over that week.  From there, children will be able to comment through a video on other children’s work.  Flipgrid is able to be used on a variety of devices and it doesn't require using an app, but one does exist.  It is also my hope that flipgrid is something that families can use to motivate their child to complete their work.  As I mentioned earlier, this situation is continuously evolving and I recognize that I will likely have to evolve further.  I wanted families to hopefully feel a bit at ease knowing that the work initially sent home is set to run out on April 3rd and that a tentative plan for more things to do does exist. Link to intro to flipgrid video is here.

This situation has made me stop and think about how appreciative that I am to be this group’s teacher.


Pictures of shoes: